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Trust Us to Get Your Door Moving Again

Choose us for broken spring repairs or replacement in Moreland or Newnan, GA

A red suv is parked in a garage with the door open.

Your garage door springs keep your door running smoothly, balance the weight properly and make sure it opens and closes properly. But over time, the springs can wear out, weaken or break, making your garage door difficult or even impossible to use. If that happens, reach out to Grand Rising Garage Doors ASAP. We handle garage door spring replacements and repairs in Newnan and Moreland, GA.

Arrange for broken spring repairs or replacement if:

  • You notice gaps or stretching in the springs
  • Your garage door isn’t opening or closing properly
  • Your garage door opens unevenly or moves suddenly
  • Your garage door feels unusually heavy if you’re manually lifting it
  • You hear loud snapping or popping noises when using your garage door

We’ll troubleshoot the problem and recommend the best course of action for a long-lasting solution. Contact us to tell us what’s going on with your garage door.

Why maintaining your garage door springs is important

Infrequent maintenance is the most common cause of garage door spring failure. Routine servicing can extend the life span of your garage door springs up to 10,000 cycles. It can also:

  • Prevent unexpected breakdowns
  • Reduce the strain on your garage door opener
  • Extend the life span of your garage door system
  • Avoid needing a garage door spring replacement prematurely
  • Make sure your garage door keeps running safely and smoothly

Keep getting the most out of your garage door. Speak with us today if you need broken spring repair or replacement services.

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